Friday, April 24, 2015

Almond Milk Nutrition Facts: The Secrets You Need to Know About Almond Milk (Part 2)

Almond Milk Nutrition Facts

1. Do you want your skin to glow? 

I know you do. Almond milk has about 50% of the amount of Vitamin E that you must consume everyday, and this essential for the health of your skin.

2. You do want to stay away from diabetes, no? I hope so. 

Your blood sugar level will not be damaged, because this milk is very low in carbs. 

3. I just love having strong muscles. What about you? 

Although almond milk is extremely low in protein, it packs lots of Vitamin B, like iron and roboflavin, essential for muscle growth and healing. 

4. How's your digestion? 

Well, it may not have more than 1 kg of fiber per serving, but doctors say this tasty drink is great for your digestion. 

5. It's a fantastic drink if you suffer of lactose intolerance. 

About 25% of the US population is having this problem. But almond milk simply doesn't contain lactose, so you can drink it with confidence. 

So, what do you think about this post? Please share your opinion in the comments section below. 
